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System requirements#

These are the k0s system requirements.


The following table shows the minimum HW requirements. All values are approximations and results may vary.

Role Virtual CPU (vCPU) Memory (RAM)
Controller node 1 vCPU (2 recommended) 1 GB (2 recommended)
Worker node 1 vCPU (2 recommended) 1 GB (2 recommended)
Controller + worker 1 vCPU (2 recommended) 1 GB (2 recommended)

For optimal storage performance we recommend using an SSD disk. Cluster latency and throughput are sensitive to storage:

k0s part of the storage consumption is presented in the following table. Note that the operating system and application requirements must be added on top.

Role Storage (k0s part)
Controller node ~0.5 GB
Worker node ~1.3 GB
Controller + worker ~1.7 GB

Host operating system#

  • Linux (kernel v3.10 or newer)
  • Windows Server 2019


  • x86-64
  • ARM64
  • ARMv7


See networking for the needed open ports.