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Control plane load balancing#

For clusters that don't have an externally managed load balancer for the k0s control plane, there is another option to get a highly available control plane called control plane load balancing (CPLB).

CPLB provides clusters a highly available VIP (virtual IP) and load balancing for accessing the cluster externally. For internal traffic (nodes to control plane) k0s provides NLLB. Both features are fully compatible and it's recommended to use both together if you don't have an external load balancer.

Load balancing means that an IP address will forward the traffic to every control plane node, Virtual IPs mean that this IP address will be present on at least one node at a time.

CPLB relies on keepalived for highly available VIPs. Internally, Keepalived uses the VRRP protocol. Load Balancing can be done through either userspace reverse proxy implemented in k0s (recommended for simplicity), or it can use Keepalived's virtual servers feature, which ultimately relies on IPVS.


CPLB depends on multiple technologies to work together as a whole, making it difficult to work on every single scenario.

Single node#

CPLB is incompatible with running as a single node. This means k0s must not be started using the --single flag.

Controller + worker#

K0s only supports the userspace reverse proxy load balancer. Keepalived's VirtualServers are not supported with controller + worker.

Both Kube-Router and Calico managed by k0s are supported with the userspace reverse proxy load balancer, however, k0s creates iptables rules in the control plane nodes which may be incompatible with custom CNI plugins.

External address#

If spec.api.externalAddress is defined it's mandatory to disable the endpoint-reconciler component using the flag --disable-components=endpoint-reconciler.

Node Local Load Balancing#

CPLB is fully compatible with NLLB, however NLLB is incompatible with spec.api.externalAddress.

Virtual IPs - High availability#

What is a VIP (virtual IP)#

A virtual IP is an IP address that isn't tied to a single network interface, instead it floats between multiple servers. This is a failover mechanism that grants that there is always at least a functioning server and removes a single point of failure.

Configuring VIPs#

CPLB relies internally on Keepalived's VRRP Instances. A VRRP Instance is a server that will manage one or more VIPs. Most users will need exactly one VRRP instance with exactly one VIP, however k0s allows multiple VRRP servers with multiple VIPs for more advanced use cases such as network segmentation.

A virtualIP requires:

  1. A user-defined CIDR address which must be routable in the network. For most installations, this will be in the same CIDR as the physical interface. WARNING: K0s is not aware of external IP address management and the administrator is responsible for ensuring that IP addresses aren't colliding.
  2. A user-defined password which should be unique for each cluster. This password is a mechanism to prevent accidental conflicts. It's not encrypted and doesn't prevent malicious attacks in any way.
  3. A virtual router ID, which defaults to 51. This virtual router ID must be unique in the broadcast domain.
  4. A network interface, if not defined, k0s will chose the network interface that owns the default route.

Except the network interface, all the other fields must be equal on every control plane node.

This is a minimal example:

      enabled: true
      type: Keepalived
        - virtualIPs: ["<VIP address>/<netmask>"] # for instance [""]
          authPass: "<my password>"

By default, VRRP Intances use multicast as per RFC 3768. It's possible to configure VRRP instances to use unicast:

      enabled: true
      type: Keepalived
        - virtualIPs: ["<VIP address>/<netmask>"] # for instance [""]
          authPass: "<my password>"
          unicastSourceIP: <ip address of this controller>
          unicastPeers: [<ip address of other controllers>, ...]

When using unicast, k0st does not attempt to detect unicastSourceIP and it must be defined explicitly and unicastPeers must include the IP address of the other controllers' unicastSourceIP.

Load Balancing#

Currently k0s allows to chose one of two load balancing mechanism:

  1. A userspace reverse proxy running in the k0s process. This is the default and recommended setting.
  2. For users who may need extra performance or more flexible algorithms, k0s can use the keepalived virtual servers load balancer feature.

All control plane nodes must use the same load balancing mechanism. Different Load balancing mechanism is not supported and has undefined behavior.

Load Balancing - Userspace Reverse Proxy#

This is the default behavior, in order to enable it simple configure a VIP using a VRRP instance.

      enabled: true
      type: Keepalived
        - virtualIPs: ["<VIP address>/<netmask>"] # for instance [""]
          authPass: "<my password>"

Keepalived Virtual Servers Load Balancing#

The Keepalived virtual servers Load Balancing is more performant than the userspace reverse proxy load balancer. However, it's not recommended because it has some drawbacks:

  1. It's incompatible with controller+worker.
  2. May not work on every infrastructure.
  3. Troubleshooting is significantly more complex.
      enabled: true
      type: Keepalived
        - virtualIPs: ["<VIP address>/<netmask>"] # for instance [""]
          authPass: "<my password>"
        - ipAddress: "<VIP address without netmask>" # for instance

Full example using k0sctl#

The following example shows a full k0sctl configuration file featuring three controllers and three workers with control plane load balancing enabled.

kind: Cluster
  name: k0s-cluster
  - role: controller
      address: controller-0.k0s.lab
      user: root
      keyPath: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    k0sBinaryPath: /opt/k0s
    uploadBinary: true
  - role: controller
      address: controller-1.k0s.lab
      user: root
      keyPath: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    k0sBinaryPath: /opt/k0s
    uploadBinary: true
  - role: controller
      address: controller-2.k0s.lab
      user: root
      keyPath: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    k0sBinaryPath: /opt/k0s
    uploadBinary: true
  - role: worker
      address: worker-0.k0s.lab
      user: root
      keyPath: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    k0sBinaryPath: /opt/k0s
    uploadBinary: true
  - role: worker
      address: worker-1.k0s.lab
      user: root
      keyPath: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    k0sBinaryPath: /opt/k0s
    uploadBinary: true
  - role: worker
      address: worker-2.k0s.lab
      user: root
      keyPath: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    k0sBinaryPath: /opt/k0s
    uploadBinary: true
    version: v1.32.2+k0s.0
            enabled: true
            type: Keepalived
              - virtualIPs: [""]
                authPass: Example
          nodeLocalLoadBalancing: # optional, but CPLB will often be used with NLLB.
            enabled: true
            type: EnvoyProxy

Save the above configuration into a file called k0sctl.yaml and apply it in order to bootstrap the cluster:

$ k0sctl apply
⠀⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⢀⣴⣾⣿⠟⠁⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠛⠁⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀█████████ █████████ ███
⠀⣿⣿⡇⣠⣶⣿⡿⠋⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⣠⠀⠀⢀⣠⡆⢸⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀███          ███    ███
⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⡇⠀⢰⣾⣿⠀⠀⣿⣿⡇⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀███          ███    ███
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k0sctl  Copyright 2023, k0sctl authors.
Anonymized telemetry of usage will be sent to the authors.
By continuing to use k0sctl you agree to these terms:
level=info msg="==> Running phase: Connect to hosts"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-2.k0s.lab:22: connected"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-2.k0s.lab:22: connected"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-1.k0s.lab:22: connected"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-0.k0s.lab:22: connected"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-0.k0s.lab:22: connected"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-1.k0s.lab:22: connected"
level=info msg="==> Running phase: Detect host operating systems"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-2.k0s.lab:22: is running Fedora Linux 38 (Cloud Edition)"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-2.k0s.lab:22: is running Fedora Linux 38 (Cloud Edition)"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-0.k0s.lab:22: is running Fedora Linux 38 (Cloud Edition)"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-1.k0s.lab:22: is running Fedora Linux 38 (Cloud Edition)"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-0.k0s.lab:22: is running Fedora Linux 38 (Cloud Edition)"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-1.k0s.lab:22: is running Fedora Linux 38 (Cloud Edition)"
level=info msg="==> Running phase: Acquire exclusive host lock"
level=info msg="==> Running phase: Prepare hosts"
level=info msg="==> Running phase: Gather host facts"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-2.k0s.lab:22: using worker-2.k0s.lab as hostname"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-0.k0s.lab:22: using controller-0.k0s.lab as hostname"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-2.k0s.lab:22: using controller-2.k0s.lab as hostname"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-1.k0s.lab:22: using controller-1.k0s.lab as hostname"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-1.k0s.lab:22: using worker-1.k0s.lab as hostname"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-0.k0s.lab:22: using worker-0.k0s.lab as hostname"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-2.k0s.lab:22: discovered eth0 as private interface"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-0.k0s.lab:22: discovered eth0 as private interface"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-2.k0s.lab:22: discovered eth0 as private interface"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-1.k0s.lab:22: discovered eth0 as private interface"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-1.k0s.lab:22: discovered eth0 as private interface"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-0.k0s.lab:22: discovered eth0 as private interface"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-2.k0s.lab:22: discovered as private address"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-0.k0s.lab:22: discovered as private address"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-2.k0s.lab:22: discovered as private address"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-1.k0s.lab:22: discovered as private address"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-1.k0s.lab:22: discovered as private address"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-0.k0s.lab:22: discovered as private address"
level=info msg="==> Running phase: Validate hosts"
level=info msg="==> Running phase: Validate facts"
level=info msg="==> Running phase: Download k0s binaries to local host"
level=info msg="==> Running phase: Upload k0s binaries to hosts"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-0.k0s.lab:22: uploading k0s binary from /opt/k0s"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-2.k0s.lab:22: uploading k0s binary from /opt/k0s"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-0.k0s.lab:22: uploading k0s binary from /opt/k0s"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-1.k0s.lab:22: uploading k0s binary from /opt/k0s"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-1.k0s.lab:22: uploading k0s binary from /opt/k0s"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-2.k0s.lab:22: uploading k0s binary from /opt/k0s"
level=info msg="==> Running phase: Install k0s binaries on hosts"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-0.k0s.lab:22: validating configuration"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-1.k0s.lab:22: validating configuration"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-2.k0s.lab:22: validating configuration"
level=info msg="==> Running phase: Configure k0s"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-0.k0s.lab:22: installing new configuration"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-2.k0s.lab:22: installing new configuration"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-1.k0s.lab:22: installing new configuration"
level=info msg="==> Running phase: Initialize the k0s cluster"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-0.k0s.lab:22: installing k0s controller"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-0.k0s.lab:22: waiting for the k0s service to start"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-0.k0s.lab:22: waiting for kubernetes api to respond"
level=info msg="==> Running phase: Install controllers"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-2.k0s.lab:22: validating api connection to"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-1.k0s.lab:22: validating api connection to"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-0.k0s.lab:22: generating token"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-1.k0s.lab:22: writing join token"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-1.k0s.lab:22: installing k0s controller"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-1.k0s.lab:22: starting service"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-1.k0s.lab:22: waiting for the k0s service to start"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-1.k0s.lab:22: waiting for kubernetes api to respond"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-0.k0s.lab:22: generating token"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-2.k0s.lab:22: writing join token"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-2.k0s.lab:22: installing k0s controller"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-2.k0s.lab:22: starting service"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-2.k0s.lab:22: waiting for the k0s service to start"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-2.k0s.lab:22: waiting for kubernetes api to respond"
level=info msg="==> Running phase: Install workers"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-2.k0s.lab:22: validating api connection to"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-1.k0s.lab:22: validating api connection to"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-0.k0s.lab:22: validating api connection to"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-0.k0s.lab:22: generating a join token for worker 1"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-0.k0s.lab:22: generating a join token for worker 2"
level=info msg="[ssh] controller-0.k0s.lab:22: generating a join token for worker 3"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-2.k0s.lab:22: writing join token"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-0.k0s.lab:22: writing join token"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-1.k0s.lab:22: writing join token"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-2.k0s.lab:22: installing k0s worker"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-1.k0s.lab:22: installing k0s worker"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-0.k0s.lab:22: installing k0s worker"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-2.k0s.lab:22: starting service"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-1.k0s.lab:22: starting service"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-0.k0s.lab:22: starting service"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-2.k0s.lab:22: waiting for node to become ready"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-0.k0s.lab:22: waiting for node to become ready"
level=info msg="[ssh] worker-1.k0s.lab:22: waiting for node to become ready"
level=info msg="==> Running phase: Release exclusive host lock"
level=info msg="==> Running phase: Disconnect from hosts"
level=info msg="==> Finished in 2m20s"
level=info msg="k0s cluster version v1.32.2+k0s.0  is now installed"
level=info msg="Tip: To access the cluster you can now fetch the admin kubeconfig using:"
level=info msg="     k0sctl kubeconfig"

The cluster with the two nodes should be available by now. Setup the kubeconfig file in order to interact with it:

k0sctl kubeconfig > k0s-kubeconfig
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/k0s-kubeconfig

All three worker nodes are ready:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                   STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
worker-0.k0s.lab       Ready    <none>          8m51s   v1.32.2+k0s
worker-1.k0s.lab       Ready    <none>          8m51s   v1.32.2+k0s
worker-2.k0s.lab       Ready    <none>          8m51s   v1.32.2+k0s

Only one controller has the VIP:

$ for i in controller-{0..2} ; do echo $i ; ssh $i -- ip -4 --oneline addr show | grep eth0; done
2: eth0    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute eth0\       valid_lft 2381sec preferred_lft 2381sec
2: eth0    inet scope global secondary eth0\       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute eth0\       valid_lft 2390sec preferred_lft 2390sec
2: eth0    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute eth0\       valid_lft 2399sec preferred_lft 2399sec

The cluster is using control plane load balancing and is able to tolerate the outage of one controller node. Shutdown the first controller to simulate a failure condition:

$ ssh controller-0 'sudo poweroff'
Connection to closed by remote host.

Control plane load balancing provides high availability, the VIP will have moved to a different node:

$ for i in controller-{1..2} ; do echo $i ; ssh $i -- ip -4 --oneline addr show | grep eth0; done
2: eth0    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute eth0\       valid_lft 2173sec preferred_lft 2173sec
2: eth0    inet scope global secondary eth0\       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute eth0\       valid_lft 2182sec preferred_lft 2182sec

And the cluster will be working normally:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                   STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
worker-0.k0s.lab       Ready    <none>          8m51s   v1.32.2+k0s
worker-1.k0s.lab       Ready    <none>          8m51s   v1.32.2+k0s
worker-2.k0s.lab       Ready    <none>          8m51s   v1.32.2+k0s


Although Virtual IPs and Load Balancing work together and are closely related, these are two independent processes and must be troubleshooting as two independent features.

Troubleshooting Virtual IPs#

The first thing to check is that the VIP is present in exactly one node at a time, for instance if a cluster has an address and the interface is eth0, the expected output is similar to:

controller0:/# ip a s eth0
53: eth0@if54: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP,M-DOWN> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP
    link/ether 02:42:ac:11:00:02 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet scope global secondary eth0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
controller1:/# ip a s eth0
55: eth0@if56: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP,M-DOWN> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP
    link/ether 02:42:ac:11:00:03 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

If the virtualServers feature is used, there must be a dummy interface on the node called dummyvip0 which has the VIP but with 32 netmask. This isn't the VIP and has to be there even if the VIP is held by another node.

controller0:/# ip a s dummyvip0 | grep
    inet scope global dummyvip0
controller1:/# ip a s dummyvip0 | grep
    inet scope global dummyvip0

If this isn't present in the nodes, keepalived logs can be seen in the k0s-logs, and can be filtered with component=keepalived.

controller0:/# journalctl -u k0scontroller | grep component=keepalived
time="2024-11-19 12:56:11" level=info msg="Starting to supervise" component=keepalived
time="2024-11-19 12:56:11" level=info msg="Started successfully, go nuts pid 409" component=keepalived
time="2024-11-19 12:56:11" level=info msg="Tue Nov 19 12:56:11 2024: Starting Keepalived v2.2.8 (04/04,2023), git commit v2.2.7-154-g292b299e+" component=keepalived stream=stderr

The keepalived configuration is stored in a file called keepalived.conf in the k0s run directory, by default /run/k0s/keepalived.conf, in this file there should be a vrrp_instancesection for each vrrpInstance.

Finally, k0s should have two keepalived processes running.

Troubleshooting the Load Balancer's Endpoint List#

Both the userspace reverse proxy load balancer and Keepalived's virtual servers need an endpoint list to do the load balancing. They share a component called cplb-reconciler which responsible for setting the load balancer's endpoint list. This component monitors constantly the endpoint kubernetes in the defaultnamespace:

controller0:/# kubectl get ep kubernetes -n default
NAME         ENDPOINTS                                         AGE
kubernetes,,   9m14s

You can see the cplb-reconciler updates by running:

controller0:/# journalctl -u k0scontroller | grep component=cplb-reconciler
time="2024-11-20 20:29:28" level=error msg="Failed to watch API server endpoints, last observed version is \"\", starting over in 10s ..." component=cplb-reconciler error="Get \"\": dial tcp connect: connection refused"
time="2024-11-20 20:29:38" level=info msg="Updated the list of IPs: []" component=cplb-reconciler
time="2024-11-20 20:29:55" level=info msg="Updated the list of IPs: []" component=cplb-reconciler
time="2024-11-20 20:29:59" level=info msg="Updated the list of IPs: []" component=cplb-reconciler

Troubleshooting the Userspace Reverse Proxy Load Balancer#

The userspace reverse proxy load balancer runs in the k0s process. It listens a separate socket, by default on port 6444:

controller0:/# netstat -tlpn | grep 6444
tcp        0      0 :::6444                 :::*                    LISTEN      345/k0s

Then the requests to the VIP on the apiserver port are forwarded to this socket using one iptables rule:

-A PREROUTING -d <VIP>/32 -p tcp -m tcp --dport <apiserver port> -j REDIRECT --to-ports <userspace proxy port>

A real life example of a cluster using using the VIP looks like:

controller0:/# /var/lib/k0s/bin/iptables-save | grep 6444
-A PREROUTING -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 6443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 6444

It the load balancer is not load balancing for whatever reason, you can establish connections to it directly. A good way to see if it's actually load balancing is checking the serving certificate:

controller0:/# ip -o addr s eth0
43: eth0    inet brd scope global eth0\       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
43: eth0    inet scope global secondary eth0\       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

controller0:/# openssl s_client -connect  </dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint
SHA1 Fingerprint=B7:90:E6:E4:E1:EE:5B:19:72:99:02:28:54:36:D9:84:D5:39:67:8B
controller0:/# openssl s_client -connect  </dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint
SHA1 Fingerprint=89:94:5C:E5:50:7E:40:B2:E5:20:E7:70:E8:58:91:ED:63:B0:EC:65
controller0:/# openssl s_client -connect  </dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint
SHA1 Fingerprint=49:0D:79:FD:79:6F:A0:E4:9D:BA:A1:65:9C:C5:54:CF:E5:20:BF:A8
controller0:/# openssl s_client -connect  </dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint
SHA1 Fingerprint=B7:90:E6:E4:E1:EE:5B:19:72:99:02:28:54:36:D9:84:D5:39:67:8B

Note: You can't query the port 6444 on the localhost address, there is an iptables conflict. You are expected to be able to reach the port 6443 on any address and the port 6444 on any address except localhost.

Troubleshooting Keepalived Virtual Servers#

You can verify the keepalived's logs and configuration file using the steps described in the section troubleshooting virtual IPs IPs above. Additionally, you can check the actual IPVS configuration using ipvsadm:

console controller0:/# ipvsadm --save -n IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096) Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags -> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn TCP rr persistent 360 -> Route 1 0 0 -> Route 1 0 0 -> Route 1 0 0

In this example is the virtual IP, and, and are the control plane nodes.

All control plane nodes are expected to have the same output.