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K0s worker

k0s worker#

Run worker

k0s worker [join-token] [flags]


    Command to add worker node to the master node:
    CLI argument:
    $ k0s worker [token]

    or CLI flag:
    $ k0s worker --token-file [path_to_file]
    Note: Token can be passed either as a CLI argument or as a flag


      --api-server string           HACK: api-server for the windows worker node
      --cidr-range string           HACK: cidr range for the windows worker node (default "")
      --cluster-dns string          HACK: cluster dns for the windows worker node (default "")
      --cri-socket string           container runtime socket to use, default to internal containerd. Format: [remote|docker]:[path-to-socket]
      --data-dir string             Data Directory for k0s (default: /var/lib/k0s). DO NOT CHANGE for an existing setup, things will break!
  -d, --debug                       Debug logging (default: false)
      --debugListenOn string        Http listenOn for Debug pprof handler (default ":6060")
      --enable-cloud-provider       Whether or not to enable cloud provider support in kubelet
  -h, --help                        help for worker
      --ignore-pre-flight-checks    continue even if pre-flight checks fail
      --iptables-mode string        iptables mode (valid values: nft, legacy, auto). default: auto
      --kubelet-extra-args string   extra args for kubelet
      --labels strings              Node labels, list of key=value pairs
  -l, --logging stringToString      Logging Levels for the different components (default [kube-apiserver=1,kube-controller-manager=1,kube-scheduler=1,kubelet=1,kube-proxy=1,etcd=info,containerd=info,konnectivity-server=1])
      --profile string              worker profile to use on the node (default "default")
      --status-socket string        Full file path to the socket file. (default "/var/lib/k0s/run/status.sock")
      --taints strings              Node taints, list of key=value:effect strings
      --token-file string           Path to the file containing token.
  -v, --verbose                     Verbose logging (default: false)


  • k0s - k0s - Zero Friction Kubernetes