K0s install controller
k0s install controller#
Install k0s controller on a brand-new system. Must be run as root (or with sudo)
k0s install controller [flags]
All default values of controller command will be passed to the service stub unless overriden.
With the controller subcommand you can setup a single node cluster by running:
k0s install controller --single
--api-server string HACK: api-server for the windows worker node
--cidr-range string HACK: cidr range for the windows worker node (default "")
--cluster-dns string HACK: cluster dns for the windows worker node (default "")
-c, --config string config file, use '-' to read the config from stdin (default "/etc/k0s/k0s.yaml")
--cri-socket string container runtime socket to use, default to internal containerd. Format: [remote|docker]:[path-to-socket]
--disable-components strings disable components (valid items: konnectivity-server,kube-scheduler,kube-controller-manager,control-api,csr-approver,default-psp,kube-proxy,coredns,network-provider,helm,metrics-server,kubelet-config,system-rbac)
--enable-cloud-provider Whether or not to enable cloud provider support in kubelet
--enable-dynamic-config enable cluster-wide dynamic config based on custom resource
--enable-k0s-cloud-provider enables the k0s-cloud-provider (default false)
--enable-metrics-scraper enable scraping metrics from the controller components (kube-scheduler, kube-controller-manager)
--enable-worker enable worker (default false)
-h, --help help for controller
--k0s-cloud-provider-port int the port that k0s-cloud-provider binds on (default 10258)
--k0s-cloud-provider-update-frequency duration the frequency of k0s-cloud-provider node updates (default 2m0s)
--kube-controller-manager-extra-args string extra args for kube-controller-manager
--kubelet-extra-args string extra args for kubelet
--labels strings Node labels, list of key=value pairs
-l, --logging stringToString Logging Levels for the different components (default [kube-controller-manager=1,kube-scheduler=1,kubelet=1,kube-proxy=1,etcd=info,containerd=info,konnectivity-server=1,kube-apiserver=1])
--no-taints disable default taints for controller node
--profile string worker profile to use on the node (default "default")
--single enable single node (implies --enable-worker, default false)
--taints strings Node taints, list of key=value:effect strings
--token-file string Path to the file containing join-token.
Options inherited from parent commands#
--data-dir string Data Directory for k0s (default: /var/lib/k0s). DO NOT CHANGE for an existing setup, things will break!
-d, --debug Debug logging (default: false)
--debugListenOn string Http listenOn for Debug pprof handler (default ":6060")
-e, --env stringArray set environment variable
--force force init script creation
--status-socket string Full file path to the socket file. (default "/var/lib/k0s/run/status.sock")
-v, --verbose Verbose logging (default: false)
- k0s install - Install k0s on a brand-new system. Must be run as root (or with sudo)