K0s etcd member list
k0s etcd member-list#
Returns etcd cluster members list
k0s etcd member-list [flags]
-h, --help help for member-list
Options inherited from parent commands#
-c, --config string config file, use '-' to read the config from stdin
--data-dir string Data Directory for k0s (default: /var/lib/k0s). DO NOT CHANGE for an existing setup, things will break!
-d, --debug Debug logging (default: false)
--debugListenOn string Http listenOn for Debug pprof handler (default ":6060")
--status-socket string Full file path to the socket file. (default "/var/lib/k0s/run/status.sock")
-v, --verbose Verbose logging (default: false)
- k0s etcd - Manage etcd cluster